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The Outer Worlds

From PCGamingWiki, the wiki about fixing PC games

Not to be confused with Outer Wilds.

This page is for the 2019 original. For the 2023 remaster, see The Outer Worlds: Spacer's Choice Edition.

The Outer Worlds
The Outer Worlds cover
Obsidian Entertainment
Private Division
Unreal Engine 4[Note 1]
Release dates
Windows October 25, 2019
Metacritic 82
OpenCritic 83
Monetization One-time game purchase, DLC[2]
Microtransactions None[3]
Modes Singleplayer
Pacing Real-time
Perspectives First-person
Controls Direct control
Genres Action, Adventure, Exploration, FPS, RPG, Shooter
Art styles Stylized
Themes Comedy, Sci-fi, Space
Series The Outer Worlds
The Outer Worlds on HowLongToBeat
The Outer Worlds on IGDB
The Outer Worlds guide on StrategyWiki
The Outer Worlds on MobyGames
The Outer Worlds on Wikipedia
The Outer Worlds
The Outer Worlds 2019
The Outer Worlds: Spacer's Choice Edition 2023
The Outer Worlds 2 TBA

The Outer Worlds is a singleplayer first-person action, adventure, exploration, FPS, RPG and shooter game in the The Outer Worlds series.

The game was first released on Epic Games Store and Microsoft Store on October 25, 2019, followed by its release on and Steam on October 23, 2020. On February 27, 2023, it was announced that an improved Spacer's Choice Edition would release on March 7, 2023 on all stores as a paid upgrade for all owners of the base game with all its DLC.

General information

Official forums Community Discussions Support Page
Steam Community Discussions


Source DRM Notes Keys OS
Epic Games Store
DRM-free after installation through Epic Games Launcher (notes may include more details)
Base game does not require Epic Games Launcher.[4] DLC will not be recognized when run outside of the launcher.
Non-Mandatory Corporate-Sponsored Bundle also available.
Epic Games Launcher
Non-Mandatory Corporate-Sponsored Bundle also available.
Icon overlay.png
Non-Mandatory Corporate-Sponsored Bundle also available.
Gamesplanet logo.svg
Epic Games Launcher
Non-Mandatory Corporate-Sponsored Bundle also available.
Gamesplanet logo.svg
Icon overlay.png
Non-Mandatory Corporate-Sponsored Bundle also available.
Non-Mandatory Corporate-Sponsored Bundle also available.
Green Man Gaming
Epic Games Launcher
Non-Mandatory Corporate-Sponsored Bundle also available.
Green Man Gaming
Icon overlay.png
Non-Mandatory Corporate-Sponsored Bundle also available.
Humble Store
Requires online activation
Choice between Epic Games Store activation and Steam key.
Non-Mandatory Corporate-Sponsored Bundle also available.
Icon overlay.png
Icon overlay.png
Microsoft Store
Microsoft Store
Xbox Game Pass for PC
Board-Approved Bundle also available.
DRM-free after installation through Steam client (notes may include more details)
Base game is DRM-free when run directly from executable. DLC will not be recognized when run outside of the Steam client.[5]. Non-Mandatory Corporate-Sponsored Bundle and Spacer's Choice Edition Upgrade Bundle also available.

Version differences

The Board-Approved Bundle contains the base game and the Expansion Pass.
The Non-Mandatory Corporate-Sponsored Bundle includes the base game, the Expansion Pass, and the soundtrack.
The Spacer's Choice Edition Upgrade Bundle includes the base game, the Expansion Pass and the Spacer's Choice Edition Upgrade.


DLC and expansion packs

Name Notes
Expansion Pass
Peril on Gorgon Included in the Expansion Pass.
Murder on Eridanos Included in the Expansion Pass.
Spacer's Choice Edition Upgrade Upgrades the game to the Spacer's Choice Edition. Upgradable only when owning the base game and the Peril on Gorgon and Murder on Eridanos DLC.

Essential improvements

Skip intro videos

Disable intro videos through the config[6]
  1. Go to the configuration file(s) location.
  2. Open Game.ini with a text editor.
  3. Add the following lines to the bottom of the file and save the changes:
Remove the video files[7]
  1. Go to <path-to-game>\Indiana\Content\Movies.
  2. Delete or rename Startup_Splash_1.mp4 and Startup_Splash_2.mp4.

Game data

Configuration file(s) location

System Location
Windows %LOCALAPPDATA%\Indiana\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\
Microsoft Store %LOCALAPPDATA%\Packages\PrivateDivision.TheOuterWorldsWindows10_hv3d7yfbgr2rp\LocalCache\Local\Indiana\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\
Steam Play (Linux) <SteamLibrary-folder>/steamapps/compatdata/578650/pfx/[Note 2]

Save game data location

System Location
Windows %USERPROFILE%\Saved Games\The Outer Worlds\
Microsoft Store %USERPROFILE%\Saved Games\The Outer Worlds Windows 10\<user-id>\
Steam Play (Linux) <SteamLibrary-folder>/steamapps/compatdata/578650/pfx/[Note 2]

Save game cloud syncing


Graphics settings.
Graphics settings.
Gameplay settings.
Gameplay settings.
UI settings.
UI settings.

Graphics feature State WSGF Notes
Widescreen resolution
See Field of view (FOV).
Vert- gameplay with an FOV slider to compensate, stretched FMVs, 16:9 pillarboxed dialog, menu and rendered cutscenes. See Ultra-widescreen for workarounds.
4K Ultra HD
Field of view (FOV)
60° to 120° horizontal. See Field of view (FOV) for higher values. Player model is unaffected.
Borderless fullscreen windowed
Anisotropic filtering (AF)
2x to 8x depending on Textures setting.
Anti-aliasing (AA)
TAA. See Anti-aliasing (AA) for modifying anti-aliasing settings.
High-fidelity upscaling
See the glossary page for potential workarounds.
Vertical sync (Vsync)
60 FPS and 120+ FPS
Framerate can optionally be capped from 30 FPS to 240 FPS.
High dynamic range display (HDR)
See the engine page to force native HDR output, or the glossary page for other alternatives.
Ray tracing (RT)
Color blind mode
Game is built from the ground-up to be playable without color information.[8]
The game engine may allow for manual configuration of the game via its variables. See the Unreal Engine 4 page for more details.


Use The Outer Worlds ultrawide & superwide tool.[9]
Removes pillarboxing from real-time rendered cutscenes, menu and dialog screens.
Adjusts vertical FOV for all scenes and resolutions to fully match 16:9.
Applies to all game versions.
Corrects viewmodel cropping.
Stretched FMVs will remain unchanged.
Manually modify a game file of the Epic Games Store version[10][11]
  1. Open <path-to-game>\Indiana\Binaries\Win64\IndianaEpicGameStore-Win64-Shipping.exe in a hex editor (e.g. HxD).
  2. Jump (Ctrl+G) to offset 1C3F5DA as hex and look for the bytes 01 31 41 30.
  3. Replace 01 with 00.
  4. Jump (Ctrl+G) to offset 283CECD as hex and look for the bytes FA 0E 3C A1.
  5. Replace FA 0E with 20 2A.


An open source patcher based on these values is available on GitHub.
Removes pillarboxing from real-time rendered cutscenes, menu and dialog screens.
Adjusts vertical FOV for 21:9 resolutions for parity with 16:9.
Cutscenes and dialog screens FOV is simultaneously Hor+ and Vert-.
Cropped viewmodel and stretched FMVs will remain unchanged.

Field of view (FOV)

Set custom FOV value through the config[12]
  1. Go to the configuration file(s) location.
  2. Open GameUserSettings.ini.
  3. Assuming X is the desired FOV value, change CustomFieldOfView=X to the desired value.
  4. Save the file.


Extreme FOV values, such as 180, render the game unplayable at 16:9.
Disable or modify sprint FOV[13]
  1. Download and install Cheat Engine.
  2. Copy the script behind the Show button on this post.
  3. The script contains dd (float)2.0 to increase the FOV slightly when running, change this to dd (float)0 to disable any FOV change on sprint.
  4. Run The Outer Worlds.
  5. In Cheat Engine, File → Open Process and open The Outer Worlds.
  6. Click the Memory View button.
  7. In the Memory Viewer window, Tools → Auto Assemble.
  8. Paste in the script and click Execute.
  9. Click Yes to inject the code.
  10. Click either Yes or No to dismiss the final dialog.

Anti-aliasing (AA)

Modify Engine.ini to improve TAA quality or disable it[14]
  1. Go to the configuration file(s) location.
  2. Open Engine.ini with a text editor.
  3. Add the section [SystemSettings] to the file, if it doesn't exist already.
  4. Under that section add r.TemporalAACurrentFrameWeight=0.2 r.TemporalAASamples=4
  5. r.Tonemapper.Sharpen=1.0 can be added to further improve the image quality. The 1.0 can be raised for an increased effect.
  6. Save the file.


Modifying the value of FrameWeight reduces ghosting at the cost of increasing flickering.
To disable TAA, under [SystemSettings], instead add r.DefaultFeature.AntiAliasing=0 or r.PostProcessAAQuality=0
Disabling TAA can add light strobing. This can be fixed by adding r.BloomQuality=0, which disables the bloom effect.

Small UI and text on large resolutions

Change scaling value[15]
  1. Go to the configuration file(s) location.
  2. Open Engine.ini with a text editor.
  3. Add the following to the bottom of the file and save:
Run the game, check the size of Text and UI and adjust the value 1.15 as necessary. In most cases it's only needed to adjust the .15 part of the value.

Reduce pop-in

Increase view distance[16][17]
  1. Go to the configuration file(s) location.
  2. Open Engine.ini with a text editor.
  3. Add [SystemSettings] to the bottom of the file, if that section doesn't already exist.
  4. Inside that section, add the following and save the file
To increase performance and reduce view distance, mainly lower foliage.LODDistanceScale and r.ViewDistanceScale and raise r.MipMapLODBias and less importantly raise r.StaticMeshLODDistanceScale and r.SkeletalMeshLODBias
Since r.MipMapLODBias=-1 and r.SkeletalMeshLODBias=-2 are negative, raising them by 1 looks like r.MipMapLODBias=0 and r.SkeletalMeshLODBias=-1


Controls settings.
Controls settings.
Controls settings.
Controls settings.

Keybinds being reset

This section may require cleanup to meet basic quality standards. The specific problem is: Specify what is even wrong and actually explain the example.. You can help by modifying the article. The discussion page may contain useful suggestions.
The game can have the same key assigned to different functions, but some unexpected issues may occur.
Back up the configuration file before proceeding.
Manually edit key binds[citation needed]
  1. Go to the configuration file(s) location.
  2. Open GameUserSettings.ini with a text editor.
  3. Locate the bottom of the [/Script/Indiana.IndianaGameUserSettings] section
  4. If a key has been (re)bound more than once, there may be extra RemovedActionKeyBinds entires, which can cause issues. If this occurs, edit using the following as a guide.


There are multiple bindings for some functions, for example, the Inhaler (Quickslot 0) keybind has 3: QuickSelect0, QuickSelect0HoldStart and QuickSelect0HoldEnd.

For example, rebinding Interact from E to F and moving Inhaler from F to Z:


Off-centered crosshairs

Toggle offset crosshairs[citation needed]
  1. Go to the configuration file(s) location.
  2. Open GameUserSettings.ini
  3. Find bOffsetReticle= and set it to True or False
  4. This will center the crosshair (if set to False), or offset it towards the bottom of the screen (if set to True)

Mouse acceleration

Disable mouse acceleration[18][19][20]
  1. Go to the configuration file(s) location.
  2. Open Input.ini with a text editor.
  3. Add the following to the bottom of the file and save:


Audio settings.
Audio settings.

Audio feature State Notes
Separate volume controls
Master, Effects, Music, Menu, Voice
Surround sound
5.0 surround. Non-front speakers tend to be utilized primarily during combat.[21]
Closed captions
Mute on focus lost
Cannot be enabled.
Royalty free audio


Language UI Audio Sub Notes
Simplified Chinese
Brazilian Portuguese

Issues unresolved

Issues fixed

Game Pass version doesn't start with an error 0x803F8001

Change the region in Windows to USA.[22]

Game crashes to desktop after a black screen

Install the Windows 10 Media Feature Pack.[23]

Nyoka companion quest fails to start

Some have reported the "Passion Pills" companion quest may fail to start, effectively soft-locking the game as it seems to be required to continue the main quest.[24]
Fortunately, a developer command can be used to force the quest to begin.
Force the "Passion Pills" quest to start[25]
  1. Enable the developer console.
  2. While in-game, press ~ to access the console.
  3. Type QuestStart Passion to force the quest to begin (Game language should be "English").

VR support

3D modes State Notes
Nvidia 3D Vision
See Helix Mod: The Outer Worlds - 3D-Vision-Ready-Fix - DHR-Masterotaku-Losti - V1.11.
Official support profile removed for legal reasons.[26]

Other information


Technical specs Supported Notes
Direct3D 11
Shader Model support 5.0
Executable 32-bit 64-bit Notes


Middleware Notes
Audio Wwise

Enable developer console

The developer console can be enabled by following the steps on the Unreal Engine 4 page.[27]
A list of console commands supported by the game can be found here (use the last part of the command name).

System requirements

Minimum Recommended
Operating system (OS) 7 SP1
Processor (CPU) Intel Core i3-3225
AMD Phenom II X6 1100T
System memory (RAM) 4 GB
Hard disk drive (HDD) 40 GB
Video card (GPU) Nvidia GeForce GTX 650 Ti
AMD Radeon HD 7850
DirectX 11 compatible
A 64-bit operating system is required.


  1. Unreal Engine 4 engine build: 4.21.2[1]
  2. 2.0 2.1 Notes regarding Steam Play (Linux) data:


  1. Verified by User:Aemony on 2021-09-17
  2. A Special Thank You From Obsidian - last accessed on 2020-05-12
    "However, the journey isn't over yet as we are excited to announce that we will be expanding the story through DLC next year!"
  3. A note about microtransactions in our upcoming RPG - last accessed on 2020-05-12
    "No microtransactions, of any kind, in our game."
  4. Verified by User:Uhuru N'Uru on 2019-10-25
    Tested by shutting down the EGS launcher completely and seeing if the game still ran.
  5. Verified by User:Mmachinecodev on 2023-09-01
  6. Verified by User:Garrett on 2019-12-10
  7. Verified by User:Expack3 on 2019-10-25
  8. Josh Sawyer on Twitter - last accessed on 2019-10-31
  9. Verified by User:Rose on 2019-10-26
    Tested at 2560x1080 (native) and 3840x1080 (custom) resolutions in the Xbox Game Pass version.
  10. Verified by User:Caneriel on 2019-10-25
  11. Verified by User:Andytizer on 2019-10-30
  12. Verified by User:Expack3 on 2019-10-25
  13. Verified by User:Bobpage on 2019-10-30
  14. Verified by User:Expack3 on 2019-10-29
  15. Verified by User:Sidspyker on 2019-10-25
  16. - last accessed on 28 May 2023
  17. Verified by User:Dreamic on 2019-11-02
  18. Verified by User:galacticarachnids on 2019-10-25
  19. Verified by User:Inkuplex on 2019-10-25
  20. /r/outerworlds - Actual mouse acceleration fix/smoothing - last accessed on 2019-10-29
  21. Verified by User:Expack3 on 2019-10-25
    Tested using Special K 0.10.x.
  22. r/TheOuterWorlds - last accessed on 2019-10-25
  23. r/TheOuterWorlds - Game Crashing on launch (PC Gamepass) → Install Windows 10 Media Feature Pack - last accessed on 2019-10-25
  26. Forums › General vorpX Discussion > The Outer World - Page 4 - vorpX Forum - last accessed on 2023-03-11
    "I *really* didn’t want to comment on this, but after individually answering these questions on an almost daily basis for a month and then removing posts, that‘s clearly not an option in the long run, so: very unfortunately a third party deemed it appropriate to drag vorpX (as well as others) into their own legal mess by making multiple but-they-do-that-too statements. In the end that left me with no choice but to remove certain profiles out of caution. I can only apologize for that. Also sorry for the vague wording, I don‘t want to get more specific. The whole matter is annoying enough as it is."
  27. Verified by User:Infogram on 2019-10-25